Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Amusement park
Today me, my mom, my step dad, my brother, my neice and my nephew are all going to a cool amusement park. This is my favorite one since it's close by and it has lots of cool rides. Any way, I'd like to post some picures up here after they're developed. I don't think I have enough money to get a disposable camera so I'll pay my mom for copies if she'll let me pay her.
Any way. I'll be back late, but if I'm not to tired I'll let you guys know how things went. Some times I wish I had a poleroid camera because than mom takes pictures they'd come out right away.
Also.. Thanks for praying for me. I still feel tired and my nose is still runny then stuffy, but overall I feel better than I did. My throat feels much better. Thanks for your prayers.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
For Fiona
You're so far away
doesn't any body stay in one place anymore
it would be so fine to see your face at my door
seeing you again could only do me good
and it doesn't help to know that your just time away.
... I miss you buddy girl...
... I love you and always will...
I don't care what any one says...
greiving doesn't end over night. You need to give your heart time to greive.
Fiona's song's
You are so beautiful
Always on my mind
My girl
Because you loved me
Forever and for always
Always and forever
You're just too good to be true
Never can say Good bye
That's what friends are for
We never really say good bye
That's all I could think of for now.
So I'm outa here.
Take care.
HI there everyone
This will be a multi purpose message. First of all. I haven't been feeling well so I may not post a whole lot, also I am asking that you'd pray for me because I'm feeling aweful and my throat hurts really bad.
Don't forget.. if you'd like to subscribe to a great guide dog email list that I run than submit your email address in the dialog box above.
That's it for now.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Sponge Bob

Hi there everyone. I wanted to write about something else completely diffrent from what I previously wrote about. It's about SpongeBob SquarePants. I love that little guy. I love the cartoon and it's so cool, but cute too.
I like the characters and the story lines. I watch it any time I see it's on. Cartoon's aren't just for kids.
Give me your opinion.
Join The GDOSG
Join the guide dog owner's support group. Just click on the bar above and be apart of a great group.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
My Tape Recorder
I love my recorder. It's invaluable to me. I sure get my money's worth and more. If you have one do you use it much, or does it sit and gather dust. I record anything and everything. My thoughts and feelings, my stories and plays, my friends and family and much more.
I guess it's like a pen is to you.
Well, I guess I've blabbed enough for now. "God is good."
My neice and nephew
My neice and nephew are so cute. I'm going to share some audio of them and I having fun. They love to record stuff like I do. It's so cute. This one tape we pretended to be judges on American Idol and it's so funny. I'll have to share some of that with you.
Have a great day.
Fiona I love you
Maybe I didn't love you quite as good as I should have, Maybe I didn't hold you quite as often as I could have, Little things I should have said and done, I just never took the time.
You were always on my mind, You were always on my mind.
Maybe I didn't hold you all those lonely, lonely times, And I guess I never told you, I'm so happy that you're mine, If I made you feel second best, I'm sorry, I was blind.
You were always on my mind, You were always on my mind,
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died, Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied, If I made you feel second best, I'm sorry, I was blind.
You were always on my mind, You were always on my mind.
Monday, July 25, 2005
What's this
:-) What's This?
I found some drugs in your pants pocket. I want to know why? I don't know mom. Maybe Jen put them there cause there not mine. Uh, right. I want to know what you are doing with drugs. She's a druggie ah great! Matt go to your room. Yeah, whatever. He laughs as he walks out of the room. A rumble is heard at the door and then the door opens and there's a crash. I'll be right back. Hello! Is anyone going to help me here? Sorry honey, I was having a discussion with our daughter. She picks up the bag that fell on the floor. She looks up at her husband. Oh, (she laughs) what's so funny? He asks. Just you standing in the door way trying to balance all those bags. They walk into the kitchen. He sets the bags on the table and she sets hers on the counter. Well, so how did your day go honey? He looks at his daughter. She looks at him then at her mom. Well, are you going to tell him? She looks at her dad and looks away when his glance meets hers. What? He asks as he pulls some fruit out of one of the bags on the table. I found drugs in a pair of our daughter's pants. He looks at his wife then at his daughter in disbelief. What kind Tylenol? He says laughing. No Ron. I mean drugs! She says giving him a stop joking look. Then she lays the baggie of drugs on the table. It has about half a teaspoon of drugs in it she says. He picks it up and looks at it with disbelief. He puts it down and shakes his head. Is this yours? He asks. No she says quietly.
So, there are drugs in YOUR pants pocket and they're NOT YOURS? She shrugs her shoulders. I think there Jen's maybe, or Madison's. Ok. He says. Let's call them.
He picks up the phone.
He asks his wife for the number. What's the number? Honey hang it up. Jane!! What's the number! Okay! They're mine, she says looking at him breifly then she looks away again. He hangs up the phone and looks over furiously. I knew it he says. I just wondered how long it would take for you to fess up. Where did you... who... He pauses for a second then feels the anger and hurt rising from within him. Where did we go wrong? Where in the world did we go wrong. A tear falls down his daughter's cheek. Honey look her mothers starts. No! I mean it her fathers says angrily, where did we go wrong with you? He asks. I don't know dad? She says with tears streaming down her face.
Talk to your kids about drugs and hopefully you can prevent this from happening. But if it does... know that God holds the wisdom in how to handle it. Ask him for help and let him lead you. Blaming will get you absolutely no where. So let him lead and he will direct you in what to do about this and anything else in your life.
I hear the thunder rolling,
I hear it in the breeze,
I hear the pages scrolling,
It brings me to my knees.
Written By Cricket " Truth is never changing as is God"
Welcome everyone. I have been using this to blog other things and thought why not use it to share my plays and other stuff. So... I hope you enjoy everything I have to share. Everything is done by me and all the voices and sound fx and other things are all done by me. I hope you'll find these plays inspiring, enjoyable, encouraging and more. Some times I may share stories in text form as well. I may also just come on over here and just talk a bit. So you may never know what to expect. Also if I think it's worth archiving, I'll put my show up here. So, happy listening and reading.