I made this... just threw some clips together... it isn't as hard as it seems if you've never done this. click on the movie twice.. NOT on play button
Thanks for watching............
Would you like to hear some of my original made up plays acted out by me and about real life issues and other interesting stories, poems, thoughts, feelings, archives from my program and so on? Then visit my page.
Thanks for watching............
I'm going back on vacation. :) I'll leave on Saturday.
I'm back. Me and Mont are leaving for camp in June and coming home in 11 days then staying home for 10 days then going back on July 7th and staying and then going back home and that'll be it. I'm so ecited.
I've been not writing. I have just had alot going on. I hope you're doing well. To those who read this. Even if it's just one person. I really like entertaining people so I enjoy singing for folks. I am still getting my voice lessons. They're going pretty good. Did I tell ya I was getting voice lessson yet? Well, if not then you know now.
I hope you're all doing well. I hope your Holiday Season is going great and I hope you're not sick like me. I am not feeling to well. I hope I feel much better soon. I feel better then yesterday, but I'm still tired. I don't have much to say, just wanted to say hi. Take care.
I've had alot going on. There was some aweful stuff going on. Plus I've been looking for new insurance. Good News: My boy doesn't have to go to the vet for anything, but his Heart Worm Test until some time in July. And his shots aren't due until Nov. 2007. His Heart Worm Test will be done in late January probably and then his nails will be trimmed too. So things are going great with him. God bless and I'll try to write a little more often. No scouts honor just in case, but anyway.... I'll try to atleast write maybe once every one, or two weeks. Take care and God Bless,
Hi everyone. I hope you're doing just fine. I'm doing pretty good. Easter was great. Remembering what Jesus did for me and all.
I lift my palm and shout your name,
I know it's been along time since I've writen to you, but I hope you'll keep comming over and checking out my blog. Today my boy and I went to the store and out to eat and then back home again. Things have been quiet around here. Not much to say, but I'll keep you in my thoughts and try to put another short story, or play on here real soon. Take care,
Please keep praying for my boy so that the ear infection will go completely away and that his ear will be clean and dry and the infection won't come back. This was his second one ever.
Please pray for the following:
Hi everyone. I'm doing just fine. My guide dog has an ear infection and he needs your prayers. Please pray that it will go away and he won't get any. Thanks and God bless you,
Happy New Year to everyone. God bless you all.
Hi everyone. It's me and I'm back. I betcha thought I forgot about this blog, but I didn't. Any way, I hope you're having a beautiful Christmas Season and that you're close if not finished with your Christmas Shopping. I'm done. Hope you enjoy the quality time with your family and friends and if you don't have a place to go well atleast know that Jesus is with you.
Please check out my program on philmoore. The number is 3011. I'll be putting up a play very soon. God Bless you
How do I say I'm sorry for all the things I do,
There's a canyon between you and I,
I love you Lord this morning,
Hi there everyone. My boy had his check up today and everything is fine except for his left ear. It's infected. The vet gave me some meds for him and so I'll give my boy his drops every day for 10 days and then call in if it's still not better, but I've decided to call in on the eighth day if everything doesn't look a lot better.
Hi everyone. I wanted to post again and let you all know that Heather's Mom passed away atleast a week ago. Please pray for Heather and her family at this sad time. Also someone told me that they think she knew the Lord before she passed on. So that's great! Any way, I'll post again sometime soon. God Bless You All.
Hi there everyone. I am going to go out to eat soon, but I just wanted to ask your opinion. Doesn't it drive you nuts when some one who doesn't even have their own life together try to tell you what to do with your money, or bills, etc? Any way take care and let me know.
Hi there everyone. It's been a while since I've updated my blog. I hope you've enjoyed the other posts. I just wanted to wish you all a good day. I will probably have some more audio stuff to share soon. Any way, I want to encourage you to check out my program on philmoore at 3011. Thanks.
Why do I feel guilty for telling people how I feel sometimes. I mean I have the right to say how I feel, but I just end up feeling guilty. I wish I could stop feeling that way. Do you ever feel that way? Well, I guess that's it for now.
Hi there everyone. I just wanted to talk about my guide dog. He's a very special dog. He's a yellow lab who's a swet snuggle buddy and he's a great worker. I have really enjoyed working with him. I've had him for almost six months. In the end of September he will be two. He's a big boy for two. He really is a good boy and helps me to feel more comfortable in public. I don't feel so alone, or isolated. He's more than my eyes, or my guide dog, he's my heart. I really miss my Fiona. She was my heart too, but she's gone now and it's just my boy and me. I just don't have the words to discribe how much I love him and how thankful I am that he's in my life. Any way, I guess I'm gonna finish this because I have a bit of a headache and I need to take some medicine. Take care everyone and God bless you all. Take care.
Please keep these people and thier families in prayer.
Hi there everyone. As you can probably tell, I made some small changes to my page. I also deleted one post becuase I started it and never finished it and it was way back there. So any way I sure hope you are enjoying everything that I have to share. If you're on Philmoore, my box is 3011. Take care.
Wow, I came in this morning to check on things over here and wow I was surprised to see all the hits to my page. I hope you will keep checking out this page. I hope you guys enjoy the story I recieved and sorry for the long pauses on the second and third parts. Hope you guys are all having a great day.
Don't waste your time leaving your garbage in the comment section because it will be deleted asap. Got it? Plus I added a security feature that wasn't on here before. I want people not to have to weed through your garbage. So how'd you like it if I left SPAM and GARBAGE on your page huh? No, that wouldn't make you happy so leave my page be!!!!!
I just wanted you to know that I didn't forget about you guys. Hope everyone is doing great! Take care.
Hi there everyone. It's me. I am back. I've been kind of busy for the past few days, but I thought I'd spend a few moments sending out a message. Hopoe you guys are doing well. I'm doing fine. Any way, take care.
Today me, my mom, my step dad, my brother, my neice and my nephew are all going to a cool amusement park. This is my favorite one since it's close by and it has lots of cool rides. Any way, I'd like to post some picures up here after they're developed. I don't think I have enough money to get a disposable camera so I'll pay my mom for copies if she'll let me pay her.
You're so far away
This will be a multi purpose message. First of all. I haven't been feeling well so I may not post a whole lot, also I am asking that you'd pray for me because I'm feeling aweful and my throat hurts really bad.
Join the guide dog owner's support group. Just click on the bar above and be apart of a great group.
I love my recorder. It's invaluable to me. I sure get my money's worth and more. If you have one do you use it much, or does it sit and gather dust. I record anything and everything. My thoughts and feelings, my stories and plays, my friends and family and much more.
My neice and nephew are so cute. I'm going to share some audio of them and I having fun. They love to record stuff like I do. It's so cute. This one tape we pretended to be judges on American Idol and it's so funny. I'll have to share some of that with you.
:-) What's This?